Well, we ventured out of the house again as a family. We couldn't miss the opportunity to have Chase's first Christmas picture with Santa Claus! And I'm totally game for any opportunity I have to get out of the house!! It was nice because this Santa looked super authentic and was super jolly (I think he was the real Santa! Lol) AND he was so sweet to our little elf. Unfortunately, being an infant and probably still sleeping during the day, sleeping beauty slept the entire time. He made his usual groans and grunts when I took him from the stroller and didn't open his eyes one bit as I placed him in a large white bearded strangers arms. I'm sure he would have been in shock if he had cared to wake up snd see who was holding him but that was not the case. As the girl was snapping away, she turned to Cory and I to see if we wanted to be in the picture. Now, as you will see, the picture speaks for itself. In a moment of hesitation we decided we would, even though being new parents, we left the house looking exactly like that, "new" parents. I like to define us as "delirious but still sane" because it never fails, I always forget to do something, this time it was making sure we looked presentable. I barely did my hair, Cory didn't do his and neither one of us were dressed appropriately. You could totally tell the difference between the parents of toddlers 3+ years and those of infants. The experienced parents were all dressed up in slacks and dresses and their children were nicely polished and dressed as fancy as they could get them. New parents were dressed as if they had 20 minutes to throw on clothes with circles under their eyes (you gotta get dresses as fast as you can, dress the baby, feed the baby, change a diaper, feed him some more, change another diaper, feed him some more, get him in his carseat, pack his bag with ready formula etc - in short, it's no minimal task). All in all, i am glad we did it though because it will be a great memory for all of us!