Well, I haven't updated our blog in about a month so I think it's a good opportunity to get everyone caught up on baby Chase finally. He will be three months old on February 10th and this month has been the most fun so far with all the new stuff he's figured out how to do. First of all, he's growing like a weed which should be no surprise to anyone. He's getting so big that his infant carseat is getting too snug for him. I need to figure out when you transition to the next level carseat since my son is outgrowing the one he has. Secondly, he has found his hands. It's hilarious! Now, not to bore anyone with little details (I always listened as other parents told me their baby stories but secretly always thought "did they really think that was that interesting? They've lost it!" but now i'm one of those parents. And to be honest, I'm totally okay with that lol!!).... Anyways, he loves to move his hands or grab mine or his rattle and put them towards his mouth and slightly sticks his tongue out to taste. Now most times he doesn't seem to love the taste of whatever it is he has but it's so funny to watch. Okay, moving on, the best part of this month has been the babytalk and smiling. He now shows serious signs of becoming a little person. He smiles when he sees me or cory and he loves to talk or "coo" as it's called. It's so funny to listen to him because he seriously thinks he's telling me a story with the intensity that he talks and the faces he makes. He absolutley loves the black and white elephant pictures in his room- that's when he talks the most. He also has always been in awe of the plant/tree thing in our living room. No idea why but he seems to think it's fascinating. And every baby at this stage must love seeing themselves in the mirror so I can rest assured my son is not conceited but perfectly normal. Or as Cory's dad and I joke, the smartest, strongest, most advanced baby (since all parents think that of their kid haha)!! At the rate he's progressing he'll be driving me and Cory around in just a couple of months lol!! ;)
WHOOPSIE: In regards to Chase's infant carseat, I made a boo boo. It was brought to my attention by one of my friends (thanks Stacia!) that it adjusts in the back sooo Chase still fits in it -- we totally forgot about that feature!! This proves I'm a new mom! Haha!!