The unthinkable happened the other day. Baby Chase has all of a sudden started eating less all week and on Tuesday, Cory and I called the pediatrician. Since it was after hours, they told us to take him to the after-hours pediatrics office. After they took blood and did a tummy Xray of my little tough guy (all very traumatic for a new Mommy!), they came to the conclusion that he has GERDs. In a nutshell, it's just a snazzy way of saying "baby acid reflux" (some cases are worse than others though but its fairly common). Just when you think you have everything figured out, your baby throws you a curve ball and changes! So after we left the doctor at 8:30 pm, we were starving. We decided to stop at the Dixie Pig BBQ joint. It's a small hole-in-the-wall BBQ place and was our only option since it was getting late and it was on the way home. Anyways, we get home, feed Chase and chow down on our “shmorgishborg” of food. Within hours, my stomach starts to cramp but I thought nothing of it. Then all night I kept waking up to sharp abdominal pain. Cory felt sick too in the morning but nothing like I did. I couldn't keep anything down yet hadn't eaten anything since that sorry excuse for BBQ. As the day went on I got a little better but Cory got worse. So we figured out that we had food poisoning. Nothing is more difficult than watching after a 4 month old then having excruciating stomach pain and a severe headache. The baby definitely does not understand that mommy and daddy do not feel good. Luckily, we felt the effects at it's worse at different times in the day but we are both super happy that it is all behind us!! Warning to all: DO NOT EAT AT THE DIXIE PIG!
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