A couple of weeks ago, Chase got invited to his very first birthday party! My friend Carolina's daughter Gabriela turned two last Saturday. She also has a little baby, Marissa who is one week older than Chase. In fact, she was in the same postpartum room a week earlier that I was in after delivery at Holy Cross Hospital. The party was a lot of fun and it was so cute trying to get the two babies to interact. I did notice that little girls and little boys are totally pre-wired at birth. When we first arrived, little Marissa was in her baby saucer, playing calmly and gently touching things. When chase gets in his saucer at home, he's smacking things and rips the hooked toys off and slams the music buttons over and over again. When anyone would hold Marissa, she would sweetly sit there all calm. Meanwhile, Chase was in my lap pulling at the side of the tablecloth lol and smiling at all the women (he's totally a little flirt!). He was starting to get tired because he missed his nap so I tried to put him in Marissa's bed but as I tried to lay him down in the round pink paradise colored bedroom he gave me a look of "uuum this is too girly for me to lay in mom! Don't even think about it!" So we ended up leaving a little early. In other baby news, Chase has two bottom teeth (oh man teething was a nightmare!) and has fully learned how to turn over this month and loves to sleep on his tummy. He's also started eating baby food and loves his peas!! I didn't take pics at the party (rookie mom mistake again) but have posted other pictures! Enjoy!
Of course Chase has girls he flirts with. He's a little stud!