Cory and I went yesterday to my doctor's appointment and we found out the sex of the baby. Now, before I just give the good news away, I want to say that all those old wives tales are bologna! There is no truth to the way you carry the baby, nauseous or not nauseous, etc. All pregnancies are different! So, that being said, Cory, Chase and myself are proud to announce that we are welcoming a new baby boy into our world at the end of this year! When the doctor told us, I was in serious shock. I was 100% sure as were anyone I was ever around that it was a girl. I was carrying low, I was nauseated, I felt so different than when I was pregnant with Chase. After the initial shock set in, I was and am thrilled! I love having a little boy so I know I will love having two! Little boys are sweet, fun, crazy, destructive, and active. They do not normally bring any drama and tend to be tough. To be honest, while I was in the doctor's office before our appointment, panic was starting to set in on having a little girl. Cory is ECSTATIC to say the least. I had him convinced it was a girl but he was so happy to have another boy. However, it would be nice to have one of each so that we can see the difference in dynamic. Who knows, maybe MANY years down the line (and I mean many) we can discuss if we want to add another child into our hectic lives. I still have to get through this pregnancy first! Also, upon watching Baby #2 on the monitor, this baby is VERY active! More so than Chase and anyone who has ever met Chase knows he is very active as it is. So, I have my work cut out for me!!
Now, in regards to Big Brother Chase, he started school last week at a Montessori school. He goes three times a week (although currently he has been going for half a day because I want to get him situated and not just throw him to the wolves). So far, he seems okay but it breaks your heart when you drop him off. All he's ever known is to be home with me during the days so I know this is hard on him. He stuffed his face (I attached the picture) when he got in the car because he was on a hunger strike. The second day was better than the first (probably because they have gym that day and were playing with balls). The third day by far was the worst. The teacher had suggested that we bring in a picture of us so Chase can look at it throughout the day. Well, when I showed up before their nap time to pick Chase up, the poor little guy was in the middle of the floor staring and holding on to our picture crying. It was SO sad. This week he had a tough time but that was mostly because he is sick so I let him play hooky today. I do think school is going to be great for him because he loves to be social and you can totally tell that he is very bored at home with me. Once he gets the hang of it, I'm sure he will be begging to go everyday!!