Well, the terrible two's are amongst us! Apparently, they can start anywhere from when a child is 18 months old all the way up until they are three! And my child, or the exorcist as I like to call him, is definitely going through this awesome and joyful time! He's come to the point to where if he does not get what he wants he screams bloody murder like that from a horror movie and kicks and falls to the ground like a wet noodle. He is definitely learning to test my patience and of course this screaming is heightened when we are in public! For example, today we went to target to get some groceries (my second trip this week since he threw a tantrum mid-way through my first shopping trip). I foolishly decided to stop and look at some shoes for him. Yes, oh silly me. Well, as I proceeded to walk away from the shoes, my little angel (and I use that word very loosely) decided he wanted those shoes. He screamed as loud as he could for a good 10 minutes as I walked up and down the aisles. I have read and have been told by other moms to ignore this behavior and it will teach him that he can scream all he wants but mama will not respond. I got the most scathing look from some stock lady that worked there throughout this ordeal and I was mortified but decided not to give in. He finally got distracted and quieted down! Man, did I feel a sense of accomplishment! But believe me, I'm fully aware the worst is yet to come!! Oh the JOYS of parenting! Luckily, it's just a phase!!
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