I think it's about time for a blog update! My days are never dull and if I had the time, I could probably write an entry once a week and keep everyone entertained with my whirlwind life.
First off, when Shane was 6 weeks old he got RSV. Any parent who has had a child knows and fears this. It's a strand of the cold virus that is extreme but ultra extreme in newborns. The saddest part is there is no medicine or vaccine for it. It just has to run its course. We went to the children's emergency room two days in a row on the weekend then our doctor that Monday. At the doctor's office they gave him two nebulizer treatments then that night he became dehydrated and our doctor checked him into the hospital for 2 days. I will not go into detail about it but you never want to see your baby, no matter what age, get sick and need to go to the hospital. I rather not re-live it by posting any more info. That being said, Shane is the sweetest, happiest baby! He loves to laugh and smile! Unless he's hungry or tired, he's always smiling at me!! He turned three months old yesterday and slept through the night....again that magical 3 month age!!! He can already flip over from his back to stomach and that's a big accomplishment considering how chunky he is! The bigger the baby, the harder it is to master any physical skills! I honestly think he will be quick to walk so he can catch up to big brother chase!!!
Now, in terms of my 2 year old, I am losing the battle! I have heard that the terrible two's are a sign of intelligence. Supposedly, the more resilient, stubborn and out right argumentative your toddler is, the more intelligent. If that's the case, I am raising Bill freaking Gates! He's an absolute angel at school and when we are out and about, but at home, it's a whole 'nother ball game! I can already tell I'm gonna have my hands full. The second I tell Chase no or do not do that, he boldly looks right at me and slowly does whatever it is he should not and keeps doing it until I physically remove the object or him from the object he's destructing. He's the definition of Alpha Male. Nothing is off limits to him anymore. Not my blinds, not my walls and not his little brother. For example, Chase will move his ballpit that his grandparents got him for Christmas next to our staircase and jump off the third step up into the pit! Of course, in the midst he will say "I not get hurt" knowing his mother is screaming from the living room to stop it. He will swing the back of the big recliner rocking chair in his room into the window, slamming it over and over again then proceed to take apart the wooden blinds. He will open the dishwasher and remove the entire bottom rack and throw it across the room. He will throw every crayon from his playroom upstairs downstairs over and over again. And that's just one day's worth of events. Needless to say, my days of trying to be clean are OVER! If I try to clean he will yell "no mommy no cleanup" and proceed to make a bigger mess! Never the less, he's still the sweetest boy I know! He says his please and thank yous and he makes sure to say "I love you" whenever he's leaving the house! He's still outgoing in public, saying 'hi' to everyone he passes. He definitely keeps my life interesting and I'm still madly in love with my little menace!
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