Chase is going to be a BIG Brother!! We are all thrilled! The next baby could be a Christmas or New Years baby so now we just play the waiting game! In regards to pregnancy, anyone who has ever been pregnant knows that you either love it or hate it. There is NO in-between. AND, anyone who knows me, knows I am not to fond of it. My last pregnancy with Chase, I had severe sciatic pain (I had it before I was pregnant and being pregnant made it impossible to walk at times--I had a waddle before I was showing--you can go ahead and laugh out loud!). I was so uncomfortable the whole time! However, I did not have any nausea. Not the case this time around. I have been EXTREMELY nauseated the entire first three months ALL DAY LONG! I do not know how these women who get pregnant over and over again can make it through the nausea...IT's AWFUL! I am just now starting to feel normal and have more good days than bad so I will hopefully keep everyone updated on baby #2's progress! And according to myself and everyone in passing, the running bet is this baby is a girl...I will definitely be following up with another blog the second we find out so stay tuned!
Regarding Little Chase, he does not understand that Mama is incubating a baby right now but he has grown extremely fascinated with babies. Everywhere we go, if he sees a kid smaller than him he points and says "baby". Hopefully this fascination is a good thing! He's such a sweet boy that I know he will look out for his younger sibling, boy or girl and will love them so much! Currently, we are touring several different Kindergarten prep schools so Chase can start making friends and letting some of his energy out in the best way possible! I know it will be SO much harder on me than him. I can already see myself crying thanks to all these crazy pregnancy hormones!
I'm so excited for you guys-congratulations! And my bet is that it is a girl as well :-) Can't wait to see you all soon!